According to a story in the Union Leader, the Town of Durham may not have a tree next year because people can't agree.  It's the equivalent of your parents saying, "okay, if you can't share, then I'll take the toy away."

The report states that the Town Administrator had concerns over a Rabbi's request to put up a 9 foot Menorah in the same space as the Christmas Tree because the Menorah has a religious meaning and he fears vandalism.  He also views the Christmas tree as non-religious.

I know there are many opinions about this, but I hope they come to some sort of agreement.  I love Christmas lights and the trees they decorate and do see them as part of the Christian faith, even though if you look in to their history, they don't have much to do with the birth of Christ.  They bring joy, nostalgia and much needed sparkle in the darkest time of the year.

The Town Administrator wants to allow everyone to put up whatever they want or, he said in the report, they should have nothing.  I hope they vote the former.



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