If you were wondering what it takes to correctly pick more football games than HUNDREDS of contestants, Jim from Portsmouth emailed me his failure proof method.

Tracey - Photo Credit
Tracey - Photo Credit

Shortly after picking up his 'Ultimate Lawn Package' thanks to Echo and Eliot Small Engine, Jim Christie certainly gave me a new way of thinking when trying to select a winning football team.

My method of picking teams is pretty simple: I find out the estimated game-time temperature for each game and then divide that number by the number of letters in the last name of each head coach. That number is the baseline that I then compare to the likelihood of each team's mascot winning in an actual fight.
So for instance a game between the Bears and the 49ers in San Francisco with a game time temp of 70 degrees has two numbers- 70 divided by Shanahan (8.75) and 70 divided by Nagy (17.5). I subtract those numbers, and get -8.75. That means that your average 1849 Gold Rush miner would have no chance fighting a bear, so I would pick the Bears in that game every time. I did see Leonardo DiCaprio do a pretty good job against a bear in The Revenant, but he was a fur trapper or something, not a 49er. - Jim Christie - Portsmouth NH
As you can see in the above photo, my 'Team Train' teammate Hugh from Eliot Small Engine (right) presented Jim (left) with all that cool Echo gear.
I certainly hope Hugh can figure out Jim's formula by next season, because I think it's THE KEY COMPONENT in defeating 'Team Sarah'.
Congratulations Jim!
We'll keep you updated when Jim gets to use this formula for The Big Game, as he has a chance to win $10,000!

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