A real life Elf on a Shelf in Kingston demonstrates how to put out a fire in the funnest way possible!  On their Facebook page, Elf demonstrates how to Stop, Drop & Roll!

Although I love this video, I am not a big fan of Elf on the Shelf.  I KNOW!  Who couldn't love him?!  I'll tell ya who.... a girl who didn't want to be watched all day long, every day, that's who!  AND, let's not forget the pressure that's put on the "Elf" to find a new place every day to "observe" the children.  What if the "Elf" forgets to move?  After all, the the keepers of the "Elf," a/k/a Mom & Dad, have work and other holiday happenings, now they have to worry about Elf on the Shelf.  AND, some "Elves" get really crafty every night.  Have you seen the Pinterest pictures of that thing?  You gotta keep up with the Joneses, you know what I'm sayin'?!

Sometimes, I secretly wish that when the Elf goes back to report on the behavior of the children to Santa, that he'd just stay there.  The North Pole seems like a happy place to me.

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