Sure I knew they had jellies and jams and the finest of mustard. But the Ultimate 'Trail Mix for Fat Guys?'. In my humble opinion, this stuff should be in every household.

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Stonewall Kitchen!

Thanks to a listener, The Shark Morning Show with Sarah And A-Train was gifted this nearly 2 pound can of deliciousness (28 oz) and (Sorry Sarah) I cannot stop eating it!

It has everything that a proper pub mix should contain with the extra high quality kick that everybody comes to expect from Stonewall Kitchen.

Honey Roasted Peanuts, Corn Chips, Honey Mustard Pretzel Pieces, Cheddar Cheese Crackers and (among other things) both Honey Roasted AND Chili Lemon Flavored Corn Sticks.

Aside from being provided by a local high quality food specialty provider, I love this stuff because I can eat the entire can (Not in one sitting, alright maybe) without worrying about any allergic reactions.

The same can NOT be said for mixes that contain pecans.

So the next time your at Stonewall Kitchen, think outside the jelly jar! Pick up a can of the Ultimate Bar Mix. It's terrific!

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