3 Things You Need to Know About the New York Toll Plaza Project
Construction of the new York toll plaza will begin next month and here are a few more things you need to know, according to a report by the Sun Journal:
1. The project will take 3 years to complete.
2. Construction on the Piscataqua River bridge between Kittery and Portsmouth will be going on at the same time, which will make the stretch of highway from Portsmouth to York even more challenging for a while.
3. The Maine DOT encourages motorists to follow their Twitter page for updates. If you check it out, you will see it's pretty diligent on keeping people informed about what's going on..
The optimist in me always looks at the end game. The traffic going North from New Hampshire to Maine in the Summer is a nightmare now, so... let's hope that after all this is said and done, we'll all be able to get to our home on the water in Camden just a little faster. Okay, so it's not MY home, but I have stayed over a couple times until the owner kicked me out.