5 New England TV Channels We Grew Up On
Some still exist, some are long gone. But I bet I can still reach out and locate them on the tan plastic 36 channel cable switcher. If only I still had one.
5 New England TV Channels We Grew Up On
The more I think about these channels, the more the memories come flooding back.
WSBK was also THE station for The Three Stooges. So many of my weekend mornings were spent bemoaning another Shemp episode or reveling in a Curly classic.
Back before cable, I've heard many stories of how the old UHF signal for Channel 38 was difficult to attain around here and in order to watch Bobby Orr and The Big Bad Bruins, you had to reconstruct half of your living room in makeshift tin foil towers to be able to see the puck.
Not exactly HI DEF.
As far as Channel 3 is concerned, I live in fear that there still may exist an old copy of 7 year old A-Train singing with his 2nd grade classmates on that nightly news program that I mentioned.
The performance was a parody rendition of 'Frere Jacques' and the lyrics were changed so that we could remember an emergency number. It was effective to say the least.
'3-3-2 4-1-4-0 Don't you know? Don't you know? That's the Fire Station Number. That's The Fire Station Number, Don't You Know, Don't You Know.'
40 years later and it still echoes in my brain.
We were taped singing that on a weeknight and I'm sure I was disappointed that I was missing out on another episode of The Benny Hill Show to suffer such an indignity.