Chick-Fil-A Truck Coming to Kittery
According to a story from Seacoast Online, Chick Fil-A has received a license to have a mobile food truck in Kittery. The exact location is not known yet, however, and when they DO get specific locations, they will have to go back for further approvals.
I know that Chick Fil-A has been roped in to the political arena with comments made by their CEO about same-sex marriages in the past. Two things are running around in my head at the moment:
1) If you are opposed to same sex marriage, you can, in fact, speak your mind. Having said that, anyone who is opposed to two people in love is, in my opinion, just nuts. How hard is it for two people to actually find each other and have it works for years and years? How many hetero couples break up after a year of marriage? What difference does it make who you marry? It's nobody's business. People who are against gay couples make me very angry, but that doesn't mean that people opposed can't speak their mind about what they do and do not believe.
2. Their chicken is delicious and I'm gonna stuff some in my face with my girlfriend. (and our husbands....) OH! Had you there for a second, didn't I?!!