Did You Have Any of These Classic Toys As a Kid?
Shark listeners are THE BEST!
Our friend, Ed Macione, brought in a bag of happiness and joy in the form of retro toys from our childhood. Who doesn't love Magic 8 Ball? Or a Slinky? The original face of the guy on the operating table in the game Operation has changed, but I like this updated guy better. His hair style is cooler, I like his puffy cheeks and he has a new red nose.
When Aaron and I get in to a disagreement now, we can consult the Magic 8 Ball. It has solved many problems for me in the past and now it's back in my life.
I don't think "Super Sharker" Ed knew that at one point in my life, I was a yo-yo master. I had zero competition, so I'm not sure if that qualifies as a "master," but whatever. In my mind, I was really good at the "sleeper," but couldn't really ever "rock the baby."
Of all these toys, however, my absolute favorite was the Slinky. It made a cool sound and I loved watching it walk down the stairs. I would go fetch that thing for hours!
I'm tellin' ya, life was good back in those days. These toys were such a big part of my life and the best part? Not one of them is connected to the internet.
Thank you, Ed.
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