Being the Halloween season, people think of ghosts and spirits more than they do any other time of year, so naturally, psychic mediums get calls to talk to the dead.

My experience with psychics has always been positive.  I remember one of the first ones that I ever talked to, before the age of social media and the internet.  We actually spoke over the phone and the first thing she said to me was, "your Dad was a piano player, I see he is passed.  He is with you all the time.  Oh, he also has your dog with him."  Talk about falling into bits!  How could she have known that?  I know that if you don't believe in this sort of thing, you'll come up with all kinds of ways how she could have known, but that information was NOWHERE to be found.  I was hooked.  She also brought up my recently deceased Aunt who knitted and crotched all the time.  It was freaky.

Ever since then, I've known that this is for real.  When people die, their energy lives on.  Where it goes, I have no idea, but I do know that it lives on.  There are people on this Earth that are more intuitive than others and they are able to connect with that energy.

When my Mom passed, there were all kinds of things that happened. The one that sticks out with me the most is about a week after she passed away, my husband and I were coming out of a coffee shop in Westbrook, Maine.  I was really, really sad.  When I got in the car, I decided to turn the radio on, which I hadn't done in weeks because she was sick, the funeral, etc.  When I turned on the radio, it was on a rock station that I NEVER listened to and this song was playing.  It was my Mom's favorite.  Seriously, I played it for her in the G.D. nursing home.  (It will forever be the G.D. nursing home - I hated that place and so did she.)  Anyway, there it was, screaming from my speakers.  I couldn't believe it.  I mean, I love Santana, but this was NOT a huge hit.  The name of the song is Europa (Earth's Cry, Heaven's Smile)  That sure was the truth.  Earth was crying and Heaven opened up and took in my Mom.  No one is going to be able to convince me that that "just happened" by coincidence.

If you are so inclined to visit a Psychic, here are a few that I found in the Southern Maine area:

Celebs Share Their Personal Paranormal Stories

Lizzie Borden's Maplecroft Is Back on the Market in Fall River, Massachusetts



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