According to NH Magazine, tomorrow, get down to downtown Dover for the 1st Annual Dover Dog Howloween celebration from 1 - 3pm.  The event is rain or shine, but it looks like it's going to be a perfect day for it.

Check in at 24 Chestnut Street in Dover with your dog, in costume.  There will be a parade and trick or treat up Central Avenue to the Cocheco Mill Courtyard.  At the end of the parade, the dogs will compete for hundreds of dollars in prizes, according to the NH Magazine website.

This sounds like a really fun event.  There will be vendor booths, food trucks for humans and for dogs.  You can even hang out in the beer garden!


Not only will it be a really fun day for all, with the proceeds of the event, you'll be helping the Pope Memorial Humane Society.  (formerly the Cocheco Valley Humane Society.)


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