FEMA Reimburses New Hampshire Over $4 Million for COVID Testing
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, is awarding the State of New Hampshire over $4 million to reimburse the Granite State for the cost of providing testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To be exact, it's $4,080,860 of a FEMA Public Assistance grant to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. This helps covers the contracting from New Hampshire for providing nearly 23,000 COVID-19 tests between October and December 2021.
Here's why this grant is happening. According to the press release, New Hampshire contracted with a medical clinic called Clear ChoiceMD MSO, LLC to set up testing sites at four Clear ChoiceMD Urgent Care locations in Nashua, Claremont, Manchester, and Newington. These were walk-in sites serving the general public.
Lori Ehrlich with FEMA says that assisting the State of New Hampshire with these incredible costs during the pandemic and using state-provided resources is a fight that helped to make this trying time as much of a success as possible to provide testing and subsequent health safety. Even with this assistance being statewide, its national contribution is huge.
FEMA’s Public Assistance program is an essential source of funding for states and communities recovering from a federally declared disaster or emergency. So far, FEMA has provided more than $137 million in Public Assistance grants to New Hampshire to reimburse the state for pandemic-related expenses.
If you want any additional information about FEMA’s Public Assistance program, click here. Also, you can learn more about the COVID-19 response in New Hampshire by clicking here.