If you were planning on watching the fireworks displays at Hampton Beach on Saturday June 19th or Wednesday, June 23rd. They've been canceled. The reason why may surprise you.

64th Annual Cannes Film Festival - Hannibal Pictures Party
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Piping Plover Chicks

Piping plovers produce tiny chicks which take up to 30 days to become mature, at which time they can fly. Until that time we are unable to have fireworks on the beach. We expect that they will mature by the end of June.


We have explored and exhausted all other options, but we do not have any choice but to cancel the first two scheduled fireworks. These include June 19 (which would have been a celebration of the Sand Sculpting Competition) and June 23rd.


We will update if there are any additional cancellations. We hope you understand that we are just as disappointed are you might be. However, this is out of our control (and it is a Federal Crime to harass, threaten or harm them or disturb them in any way).


- VIA Facebook - Hampton Beach 'Official'

I feel bad for anyone that had been planning their family summer vacation for months and had kids that were looking forward to these displays.

However, there are only about 3,500 of these little birds remaining on the Atlantic Coast and I consider us lucky that they chose our rare stretch of beachfront to raise their own family.

Photo by Joshua J.-Cotten on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua J.-Cotten on Unsplash

Seriously, how cute is that little guy?

After hearing 'Because of COVID' approximately 50 million times over the past year and a half as the reason for a cancellation, it's kind of refreshing to hear something new.

Besides, it'll just be three or four weeks tops until the chicks have fledged and 'The Rockets Red Glare' will once again fill the skies of Ocean Boulevard.

LOOK: Here are the 50 best beach towns in America

Every beach town has its share of pluses and minuses, which got us thinking about what makes a beach town the best one to live in. To find out, Stacker consulted data from WalletHub, released June 17, 2020, that compares U.S. beach towns. Ratings are based on six categories: affordability, weather, safety, economy, education and health, and quality of life. The cities ranged in population from 10,000 to 150,000, but they had to have at least one local beach listed on TripAdvisor. Read the full methodology here. From those rankings, we selected the top 50. Readers who live in California and Florida will be unsurprised to learn that many of towns featured here are in one of those two states.

Keep reading to see if your favorite beach town made the cut.

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