Kevin Bacon is one of my most favorite celebrities ever.  Obviously, like so many, I first became a fan because of the original Footloose movie in 1984.  I just watched it for the umpteenth time just a couple of weekends ago on one of our rainy 2023 summer Saturdays.  I also loved him in A Few Good Men, Mystic River, Apollo 13, She’s Having a Baby, The River Wild, and Crazy Stupid Love, to name a few more blockbuster movies.  And don’t even get me started on his guest appearances in Will & Grace.

There’s also Kevin's Boston-based Showtime series, City on the Hill, that started in 2019.  He’s been around forever, and because of his prolific career covering a diverse range of genres, every Hollywood actor can be eventually linked to Kevin in six or less people.  Kevin himself even jokes about it, and created charitable initiatives with that connect people and charities with one another.

So what is this incredible man doing in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts?  And are you ready for selfies and friendly 'hellos' if you spot him out and about?   Well, did I mention Kevin is a singer?  He’s not trying to become some big star on that end, but rather sings as a hobby with his brother Michael. The pair enjoy what they call "Forosoco", which is a blended sound of folk, rock, soul, and country influences, according to the Bacon Brothers website.  They’re touring with their 11th album around the country.

Click here for Kevin's tour stops in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts.

LOOK: 19 Drinks Only '90s Kids Remember

Grab that weird bendy straw you bought with your Chuck. E Cheese tokens, because we're sluprin' up these definitive flavors of the '90s.

The Best Movies Released in the '90s

To celebrate the incredible cinematic achievements of the decade, Stacker compiled data on all 1990s movies to come up with a Stacker score—a weighted index split evenly between IMDb and Metacritic scores. To qualify, the film had to have a premiere date between 1990 and 1999, have a Metascore, and have at least 1,000 votes. Ties were broken by Metascore and further ties were broken by votes.

Keep reading to discover which film featured one of the most disturbing scenes in cinema and which big movie star made the list multiple times.

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