More Snow Early Thursday for New Hampshire? Ugh!
I'm looking at all the different radar maps of when this thing is supposed to hit and the more I see, the less I like.
WMUR's Kevin Skarupa has been red hot in his predictions of this cruddy stretch of icy slop (and/or sloppy stretch of icy crud) so I'm thinking that his latest forecast will ring true.
If this is the case, I'll have to set my alarm at least 10 minutes earlier to hack away at whatever Jack Frost has decided to kick on top of my car like a bully kicking sand at the beach.
According to Mr. Skarupa, this stuff will be much lighter and more manageable than the heavy couple inches of slush we got stuck with on New Years Day.
Don't you feel a sense of dread that the worst of this is yet to come? We really haven't had that much to complain about this Winter, and that's when Mother Nature really let's it fly. Keep your fingers crossed!