NESN’s Tom Caron With A Mind Boggling Jim Rice Stat
Our Boston Sports Insider was full of surprises today as he filled us in on his recent visit to New Hampshire, as well as a mind boggling Jim Rice statistic.
Because of the protocols, no one can go to Spring Training this year. I asked Jim 'When was the last time you didn't go to Spring Training?'
It was his senior year in high school. 1971.
FIFTY years ago.
- Tom Caron on the half century that Jim Rice has attended MLB's Spring Training
To put that into perspective, this was almost three years before I was born!
Don't worry Sox fans, Spring Training games will still happen in just one week's time and you'll be able to get full analysis from both TC and Jim, though they won't be among the palm trees and sunshine of Fort Myers.
As for Mr. Caron's latest visit to the NH Seacoast? He and his wife went to Wentworth By The Sea during Super Bowl weekend.
It was a wickedly cold weekend and as luck would have it, the fire alarms went off in the middle of their romantic dinner! They had to wait outside for about a half hour while the alarms were rebooted.
I have a theory that karma was somehow involved.
Earlier this year, my New Year's Resolution was to have an official Shark Morning Show lunch meeting with Tom Caron. He agreed to that right on these very airwaves!
Now, not one month later, here he is just a twenty minute drive away and he didn't invite us?
What comes around goes around I guess!
Hopefully, this 'power lunch' will occur once the ever present protocols begin to loosen up.
Great stuff today TC!