NH Girl Scout Cookies 2021- What You Should Know
As The Shark's aficionado on Girl Scout Cookies, (Undefeated blindfold taste tester, 3 years running) I was very happy to learn that access to these seasonal treats will be even easier in 2021.
According to this WMUR-TV report, NH Girl Scout Cookies have teamed up with food delivery company GrubHub to safely deliver Do-Si-Do's, Samoa's and Thin Mints.
Ah yes, those amazing dessert items that are available in the middle of winter and happily obliterate the last of any remaining New Year's Resolutions.
The official Girl Scout Cookie menu on GrubHub has eight of the original classics but I have to think that once things get started in February, you'll be able to order any cookie that is available at the regular locations.
I'm very intrigued by the newest flavor 'Toast-Yay' which is a French toast flavored cookie which is also dipped in icing.
I'm not so much intrigued as I am obsessed and anxiety ridden, wondering if NH is one of the 'selected markets' that they will be available in. If not, I may have to use my upcoming February vacation to embark on a journey throughout the entire eastern seaboard in search for them.
I have to think with our Franco-American culture and lineage, these French toast cookies will be plentiful in Northern New England.
Keep in mind, it has always been an option to get your favorite Girl Scout Cookies shipped to you through their website and will remain as such, but slight delivery delays were becoming a problem and this GrubHub option provides another terrific avenue for the cookies that are a cornerstone of the winter season.
This will all get revved up in February!