The Revere MA based company might be shutting down soon! Seizing on the opportunity to make a quick buck, I managed to find two packs at the local drug store. How much should I charge?

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According to this WBZ CBS Boston report, recent sales of Necco Wafers have increased by over 60%

I wonder if I should charge people something like a dollar per Wafer OR a huge sum of money for the entire pack?

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Uh oh. It seems I cannot control myself, and I've already eaten about $20 worth without realizing it.

On a more serious note, I LOVE CLARK BARS!

This same company ALSO creates that wonderful peanut buttery nougat covered in chocolate that is sort of like a Butterfinger and sort of like a 5th Avenue but IMHO much better than both.

I couldn't find one today on my hoarding trip and I am troubled.

I wonder if I can trade my one pack of remaining Necco Wafers for a last taste of heaven in this cruel post-apocalyptic Necco free world?


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