Planet Palooza: 5 Visible Together at Sunset Along Our New England Horizon
Look up! It's time for another astounding astronomical moment where you can see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus all at the same time. How cool is that? According to Star Walk, these planets aren't even next to each other in our solar system, which makes for a pretty cool experience if you're into this sort of thing, since planetary alignments are stunning celestial events that don't require any equipment. Your naked eye will do.
With so many beautiful New England beaches and coastline, especially right on the farthest eastern reaches of the country along Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, grab a blanket or chair and get ready to look straight out into the horizon. No looking up this time, so get ready on Tuesday, March 28, at sunset.
Seeing five planets at once is pretty rare, but they're all aligning for us right after sunset. So, you don't have to wait until those early morning hours to view this planetary treat. Mercury and Jupiter will be especially noticeable near our New England horizon. Take note that bright Venus will be there as well, but a bit higher in the sky according to Daily Mail, so if you see Venus first, just scale your view down from there. Star Walk has the perfect guide to help you as you're lounging at sunset.
They will all appear in a small 50-degree sky sector. Near the horizon, you’ll see two bright objects – Jupiter (magnitude -2.1) and Mercury (magnitude -1.3). They will be located in the constellation Pisces, separated by about a degree. Higher up in the sky, Venus will shine brightly with a magnitude of -4.0 in the constellation Aries. If you use a pair of strong binoculars, you’ll see Uranus nearby, shining with a magnitude of 5.8 at a distance of about 2° from Venus. Mars (magnitude 0,9) will join the alignment higher in the sky, near the first quarter Moon in the constellation Gemini.
Daily Mail adds that the planets will all appear very close together, almost touching at times, even thought they're not.
There's a free app that can help you as well called Sky Tonight, according to Vito Technology, where you literally open it and point it toward the sky to get a live display of what's going on as well.