Sure Sign Summer’s Coming: Prescott Park Announces Musical For 2019
HOOOORAY!! If you love Summer like I love Summer, you'll be happy to hear that Prescott Park has announced that they will be presenting, "Beauty and The Beast" as their musical for the season, according to a report from Seacoast Online.
If you are new to the area, the Prescott Park Arts Festival is not to be missed. Every year, they organize wonderful performances with some of the best musicians and actors from the seacoast and surrounding communities. It's a wonderful time for your family and friends to grab a blanket and sit and enjoy a lovely day or night out, just about on the water in Portsmouth. The Strawberry Banke Museum is right next door to the Park, so you can make a day of it! The Museum has things going on all year 'round. Also, right there, explore the Moffett-Ladd House and Garden.
One thing about the Prescott Park Arts Festival - over the years, they have added food trucks, so bring your appetite too. They will probably have some deliciousness for you and your family. If not, downtown Portsmouth has a TON of world-class restaurants.
OH, I'm so excited about this! Summer is coming!!
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