Brady's back on top! This has never happened before. Number 12's jersey is the top seller in every state in the month of February. I guess the greatest Super Bowl comeback in the history of the game trumps that whole 'Deflategate' debacle, huh?
Yea, jerseys, not just one. I had no idea Brady's Super Bowl 49 jersey was missing as well. Reports all over the information superhighway are saying that Brady's missing Super Bowl 51 and Super Bowl 49 jersey's have been found.
I'm sure you've heard that Tom Brady's Super Bowl 51 jersey still has not been found. Whoever has it is in some serious trouble if they get caught. Houston Police valued Brady's jersey at half a million bucks!
So you probably have heard that Tom Brady's game worn Super Bowl jersey went missing from the locker room last night during the Pats celebration. It's still missing, but have no fear, the Texas Rangers are on the case!
So, did 'deflategate' kill Tom Brady's reputation and make him enemy number 1 in the eyes of football fans? Nope. Brady merchandise is hotter than ever after that nonsense.