Thank You And Farewell From Fish
Well folks after almost 16 years with The Shark, today is my last day. I want to say THANK YOU and farewell.
I was offered an off-air position at a different company and I accepted. I feel like it's the right move for me and my family, even though it's one of the hardest decisions I have ever been faced with. The good news is that I'm not leaving the area, I'll still be around hanging out with the Shark crew at various events.
I want to thank you for your support over the years. You have no idea how much your phone calls and Facebook messages have meant to me. Your encouragement and kind words helped keep me going through tough times. To this day my heart still fills with pride whenever someone tells me how much they enjoyed 'FishHooks' or how much they love the show, it's been that way since day 1, and I can't thank you enough for the confidence I gained from those comments. Over the years I have come to know many of you on a personal level and for that I am forever grateful.
To my Bob Fuller Media Center Family both past and present: I love this place. This building has been my second home for quite some time. I have always felt like I belong here, I have always felt comfortable, cared for and respected and that's due to the wonderful people that work and have worked here during my time. Some of you have been with me for this entire ride or close to it and I will NEVER forget you guys and what you have done for me. I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this team for so long and I am a better person because of it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So, that's it, again, Thank you all, I'm on to my next adventure, perhaps we'll chat again in the future.