Maine Ranked #3 Most Scenic Snowmobiling Trails in the Country
Talk about an adventure that could potentially go on for days if you want it to. Get ready for never-ending snowmobiling trails that cover over half of Maine, just waiting for you to discover. And yes, they're well-maintained as part of the Maine Interconnected Trail System, or ITS.
Wow! Talk about a massive network with over 4,000 miles of groomed snowmobile trails that actually connect. There are 14,500 total trails in Maine, according to Black Widow Pro, making it the state with the third most trails in the country.
Meanwhile, back to those 4,000. According to the Maine Snowmobile Association, those trails are created through the efforts of the various snowmobile clubs, local municipalities, businesses, and landowners who generously allow access to snowmobilers.
Honestly, it's such a blast to snowmobile. I've felt the wind on my face and the adrenaline rush of speeding along trails in Yellowstone National Park and Colorado's Vail Pass region. I think I may just have to add this adventure to my to-do list this winter.
With varying landscapes weaving in and out of the woods, around lakes, and on the vast open land, it is definitely a unique experience that we're blessed to have in our own New England backyard.
And talk about the views of some of the snowcapped mountains, as well as glorious sunsets and sunrises. If you're looking for an incredible adventure, then your best bet is to reach out to the Maine Snowmobile Association. It rules the friendly snowbound roost, and is the best source of information, guidance, and trip-planning, as well as sled rentals.
Click here to view the various trails that have specific routes to various areas and towns in Maine. You can also click here to view the ITS map, which I also posted above.