Torn NH Flag Causes Questions And Concerns
Our NH flag has sustained a rip due to yesterday's heavy winds. What do I do?
Vexillology can be quite vexing.
After I calmed down from the shock of a navy blue loop of fabric flapping for all to see, I began to rethink and review all that I knew of proper flag etiquette.
I'm pretty sure that all rules and laws of proper flag care and guidelines are contingent upon Old Glory and any consequences of State flag damage is not a matter of immediate concern.
As long as The American Flag is flying no lower (at ANY point in time) in relation to any other flag AND it never touches the ground, we are in the clear.
Since there are no rules like that with The State Flag (none that I could find anyway), I promptly took it down and it is currently folded respectfully in an undisclosed location of The Bob Fuller Media Center.
This was no way as terrifying as 'The Great NH Flag Inversion of 2019' in which some careless attendant failed to notice that it was upside down. The depiction of the proud USS Raleigh was capsized for days!
I'm not sure what the future holds for our station's NH Flag, if we'll reorder a new one or if somebody performs a little impromptu 'Betsy Ross' session on the ripped loop and sew it up.
As with all NH based matters like this I will continue to update the public as things develop.