REO Speedwagon is coming to the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom on Friday, October 4 and you could win tickets before you can even buy them all this week on The Shark!

When you hear Nikki Cruz play an REO Speedwagon tune between 10am and 3pm, be caller number 10 at 1-877-45-SHARK and you win the tickets BEFORE YOU CAN BUY THEM!  Pretty cool.

Fun fact:  REO Speedwagon was my very first concert ever in my life.  Bryan Adams opened up for them and as I recall, it was one of the best shows that I have ever seen in my life.  Of course, you never forget your first, do ya?  Remember this video?  I have so many questions.... It WAS the 80's though....

They are the POWER BALLAD KINGS, am I right?  Here's another:

Who could forget one of the funniest album names ever?  "You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish."  Here's one from that album:

If you don't win the tickets, remember, you can always buy them.  They will sell out!  Just click here for yours starting on Friday!


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