Here’s How to Win Tickets to See John Fogerty at BankNH Pavilion in Gilford, New Hampshire
Do you love John Fogerty music? How about if John Fogerty plays his music live?
We've got tickets to give away to his The Celebration Tour show at BankNH Pavilion in Gilford, New Hampshire, on June 19.
You could be that "Fortunate Son" or daughter who wins them.
So how can you score these amazing tickets to an amazing show?
If you're reading this on our app right now, all you have to do is fill out the form below. That means putting your name, phone number, email and zip code.
Otherwise, you'll need to download our app as that is the only way you can enter this contest. Once you do, open that app up and find the "Contests" page or find the button that says "John Fogerty" on the black bar in the center of the main menu of the app.
Contest ends March 31.
Tickets go on sale Friday, March 15, at 10 a.m.
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Gallery Credit: Martha Sandoval