My memory works/dysfunctions in strange ways, I can remember finally returning to Market Basket (Somersworth) on August 28th but for the life of me I couldn't remember what year it was.

2014  (?!)

It was noon by the time I got to the High Street Market Basket and even though it'd had only been a half day since this property was back under the benevolent reign of Arthur Telemachus Demoulas AKA 'Artie T', the jubilation was still in the air.

Long time customers were embracing anyone they recognized wearing maroon and I was surprised (but not shocked) that the shelves, which had been all but empty a day before, we're nearly fully stocked.

I remember several happy employees apologizing and informing me that the produce section should 'be back to full capacity by tomorrow morning'.

The story of Market Basket in the summer of Artie T. really showed the true power of loyalty and I remember it fondly. (Not the year apparently, just the lesson that it taught us.)

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