5 More Reasons To Love NH
We took a poll of our listeners of why they love New Hampshire. We got a ton of responses and here are the Top 5:
Diane Mulligan Their motto! Live free or die. (This was the number one response!)
Martha May Fink That we’re tax free.
Johnny Thompson Terrace Pines Campground. That’s where we had our camp for eight years. Big Dan Hole and Little Dan Hole.
Magen Bowley It is not Maine.
Sandra Ann Just one thing?
There's so many.
The beach, people are nicer, no taxes, so many things to do
Glen Schult There are far less mandates on people that live here.
No Mandate on Insurance.
No Mandate on Seat belts for Adults.
No Mandate for Helmets for Adults.
No Mandate for Carrying a weapon.
Those are a few that I can think of. Anyone care to add to this list?
Weigh in with your suggestions anytime!