There is SO many cool events taking place that are quintessentially New Hampshire this weekend.  At the top of my list is Maple Weekend!!!

According to the NH Association of Maple Producers, this is the weekend that you want to get out and celebrate NH's sweetest time of the year!

There are many places to go that are listed on the maple producers website, so choose one near you or better yet, road trip it and visit several.  You will be able to meet the people who make our famous maple syrup face to face and see how their operation works.  Making maple syrup is a labor of love that many people who have lived in NH their whole lives don't even know about.

Some locations give out free samples of their special blend of syrup, offer pancakes, maple candies, coffee, cider doughnuts and much more.  I love it when the sugar shack also has pets around to enjoy.  Goats, horses and sometimes, you'll find a barn cat (my personal favorite.)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention my cousin's farm, Trombly Gardens in Milford, NH.  My cousins keep the legacy of Trombly farming in that area as my Uncle did before them and as my Grandfather did before him.  Very proud of those guys and girls back at the ol' homestead!  Have a great weekend and get outside, no matter what you do!  It's Spring!!!




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