Did Exeter NH’s Victoria Arlen Survive The Double DWTS Elimination?
The crowd was not happy, AT ALL. An unexpected DOUBLE elimination left the ballroom booing. But all we Granite Staters want to know is, did Victoria Arlen make the cut?
Yes She Did!
WWE Star Nikki Bella and American Television Personality Vanessa Lachey were sent home.
After opening the show with a respectable 27 out of thirty for a Viennese Waltz, the Paralympian Gold Medalist then joined 'Team Phantom' for a perfect 30 performance.
The best news of the night was announced just seconds after that as Victoria and Val were deemed SAFE!
Congrats to them both for making it into the Top 6!
Time really speeds up now as I think there are only 4 more shows left in Season 25. If Victoria makes it past the next two weeks, she'll have clinched the finals!