Dont’a Hightower to Help Deliver More than 8,600 Cans of Soup to NH Food Bank
According to a Press Release received from the NH Food Bank, New England Patriot Dont'a Hightower is helping deliver more than 8,600 cans of Campbell's soup to the NH Food Bank today from 12noon to 1pm.
The press release also said that Campbell's Chunky soup and the New England Patriots Foundation teamed up to donate 25 cans of soup to the NH Food Bank whenever the Pats scored a point in October and November.
The New Hampshire Food Bank does such great work here in New Hampshire and has been working to relive hunger in the state since 1984. The food bank is a warehouse for other food agencies like senior nutrition centers, family crisis centers, soup kitchens and emergency shelters. Also, after school programs and day care centers.
If you would like to donate to the NH Food Bank or if you would like more information, contact them on their website at www.nhfoodbank.org.
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