EYOO!! Wicked Huge Jellyfish Washed Up on Nahant Beach
According to a story from WCVB, jellyfish have been spotted on Massachusetts beaches.
These super gross creatures, (no offense to Mother Nature) can sting you alive OR DEAD, so avoid them even if you know they have passed away.
In no way, shape or form do I want to come across these jelly fish on or off the beach. The only way I want to see these things is in a picture and even then, I'm not so sure I like it.
It could be because of the time my parents took me to the beach when I was a little kid and one of these suckers washed up on the beach right next to me. I wasn't stung by it, but I stepped on it and my psyche will never, ever forget the feeling of that slimy ooooze coming from the bottom of my feet, through my toes and on to my ankle.
At 5 years old, I was terrified and went running to my parents who told me that everything is okay and I was safe. I tried very hard to believe everything that my parents told me when I was young, but in this circumstance, I had my doubts that I was going to be okay. For days and weeks after that incident I had dreams of swimming with these huge, animated jelly fish that were going to eat me up!
Thinking back on it now, the jelly fish of my dreams were a lot scarier than the actual one that I accidentally stepped on that fateful day on the beach.
Here's video from the WCVB report:
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