Farmington Teenager Indicted on Murder Charges
According to a story on WMUR, a teenager is facing murder charges in connection with the fatal shooting of James LaPrade in 2017. James Belyea who is only 17 years old, of Farmington, was indicted on alternate counts of first-degree murder and second-degree murder. Belyea was also indicted on attempted murder charges for the shooting of his mother.
This is a another tragic story for all involved. How could a 17 year old be held completely responsible for his actions, especially for a crime so horrific?
I believe from the bottom of my heart that no one grows up wanting to harm others. Maybe it's just my "glass half full" mentality, but I really think that it has to be mental illness. This is not a popular opinion, but it is one that I fully believe. I'm not a doctor, by any means, and I admit, I don't have all the facts, but there is a case that Belyea wasn't in his right mind if, in fact, he did commit these crimes. Tragic.
Belyea is scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 2 at Strafford County Superior Court.