Here’s the COVID-19 Case Count for NH, ME, MA on April 20, 2020
Here are the number of positive COVID-19 cases in NH, ME and Mass:
According to NH.Gov, 1,392, up from 1,211 on Friday which is an increase of 181.
According to, 867, up from 796 on Friday, which is an increase of 71.
According to, 38,077, up from 32,181 on Friday which is an increase of 5,896.
I know that many people want to open the states back open for business - at least here in NH. According to a report from WMUR, there was a rally held on Saturday at the State House in Concord. Hundreds of people showed up at the event. Governor Sununu, according to the report, said:
New Hampshire’s success at social distancing and mitigation efforts has led some to believe that COVID-19 is no longer a serious threat, but we are unfortunately in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and only six weeks in. I would like to urge Granite Staters to be patient. I empathize with the sentiment behind today’s rally, but we must be responsible and patient in our actions.
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