Live Free or DIE! NH Only State Without Adult Seat Belt Law
According to a report from WMUR, police and other officials from Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island gathered in NH yesterday to launch the National "Click It or Ticket" campaign, even though NH is the only state that does not have an adult seat belt law.
The story cites a few facts about the Granite State: There were 106 people killed in car accidents and 68 percent of them were not wearing any seat belts, resulting in 72 deaths.
I know that NH is the land of Live Free or Die and I appreciate that, I really do - BUT, unless you really don't care whether you die or if you kill someone else, then WEAR your seat belt. It's the right thing to do.
It's the same thing with people who don't wear a helmet if they are on a motorcycle. You are just being stupid if you don't wear one. I'm sorry, but that is crazy. You have NOTHING to protect your head if that bike rolls.
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