NH Phase 1B Vaccine Registration Problems and Hassles
Did you register for your NH Phase 1B COVID-19 vaccine and now you're waiting 3-5 days for an e-mail from the State? I know that's what was written, but what happened and what is happening is something entirely different.
The email that you're waiting for? Is most likely already there in your Inbox.
It is from the CDC and asks you to click on a link to register with VAMS (Vaccine Administration Management System).
When it asks you if you've registered before?
Hit NO.
Makes absolutely no sense right?
Well, the helpful instructions that everyone and anyone hoping to register NEEDED to figure this out?
They came in an email that was sent hours later.
Since the original CDC email that was in my parent's Inbox was very suspicious looking, I called the 2-1-1 NH Vaccine information line to ask if this was a common fraudulent phishing or ransomware scam.
After a 37 minute wait, I was amazed when the operator told me it was legitimate!
After filling out the extensive and multi-windowed questionnaire with hidden scroll bars, I was finally able to get my Mother an appointment.
I then went back to the original email hoping to add my Father and 90 year old Nana.
No such luck.
The email would default to my Mother's confirmed appointment.
On my subsequent call to 2-1-1 (12 minute wait), I was told that there should have been a box to check if you wanted to add additional qualifying people.
Maybe that was hidden too?
My Sister just informed me that she has registered my Nana. My Nan has no computer or cell phone, so she used her own hoping it would accept it, and it did!
If this is some sort of ID malpractice on behalf of my Sister, that's a risk that she is willing to take on behalf of the well being of Nana.
Her appointment is two weeks later than my Mother's but at least she has an appointment!
My Mother is convinced that she added my Dad's name during the initial registration with the State and hopes that he will be able to receive his vaccination when she gets hers.
Good luck with that Ma!
NH has around 150,000 people that have signed up as Phase 1B vaccine recipients. I'm hoping that over the next couple of weeks, the actual vaccination process will be somewhat functional.
It certainly hasn't started out that way AT ALL.