Did You Know NH Is Suing Massachusetts? It’s All About Taxes
OOOOOO, it's ON between NH and Massachusetts. A war between brothers, neighbors, friends and family!
What's Up with NH Suing Massachusetts?
According to a document filed with supremecourt.gov,
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has launched a direct attack on a defining feature of the State of New Hampshire’s sovereignty. For decades, New Hampshire has made the deliberate policy choice to reject a broad-based personal earned income tax or a general sales tax. Not only does New Hampshire sit as an island among the New England States, but this choice differentiates New Hampshire from nearly every other State in the union.
Don't you just love lawyers? I absolutely do and that is a fact, Jack. They can get stuff done and literally change the world.
Did you get all that?
Thousands of people from NH, my husband included, used to commute from NH to Boston. We paid income tax on his salary because that was the law. You work in Mass, you pay income tax. After all, he used Massachusetts roads and benefitted from all the other stuff that his taxes are supposed to cover. (I'm not sure what else besides the roads, but you get the idea.)
Fast forward to 2020 to that little thing called the pandemic that changed all of our lives. My husband, along with the other thousands and thousands of commuters from NH to Massachusetts, now works remotely. Hasn't stepped foot in the Commonwealth in months and months. Why is he still paying income tax for Mass?
NH filed a Lawsuit
According to a document filed with Surpremecourt.gov,
On April 21, 2020, Massachusetts adopted a temporary emergency regulation declaring (for the first time) that nonresident income received for services performed outside Massachusetts would be subject to the State’s income tax...... This extraterritorial assertion of taxing power is unconstitutional.
What Does Governor Sununu say about all this?
We are going to find out. The Governor is scheduled to be a guest on the Shark Morning Show with Sarah & A-Train and we are going to see if we can get the skinny on what's happening and if he's still friends with Governor Baker.
I'm not sure what that would mean if the Mass tax law that they imposed during the pandemic is, in fact, unconstitutional. Would that mean that we would get a big fat check from the Commonwealth? We'll see and I'll keep you updated on this story.
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