Orphaned Bear Rescued in Laconia After He Fended For Himself For Months
What a great feel good story this is!
Yesterday, a hunter saw something that he thought was a trash bag, but then realized that trash bags don't move like that, according to a story from WMUR.
The report goes on to say that the hunter, Chris Lincoln, decided to call NH Fish and Game. Lincoln said in the report:
If the mother bear was still around, it would not be that small, so I decided to call (the New Hampshire Department of) Fish and Game
Biologists were trying to trap for months, since the rest of his family was killed by a car.
Andrew Timmins, a Fish and Game Wildlife Biologist said,
It’s been a pretty tremendous year with issues with orphaned cubs. Today's bear made the 50th one that we've picked up since Sept. 26, so this bear will go to a rehabilitator in Lyme, New Hampshire.
The story goes on to say that the cub should be able to be released back in to the wild by Spring.