New Hampshire City Named One of the Safest, Happiest Places in US
Discover why this New Hampshire city is considered one of America's happiest and safest cities.
Maine and New Hampshire Have the Lowest Crime Rates in the US
New Hampshire and Maine are not just about stunning fall foliage and killer lobster rolls. We also boast some of the lowest crime rates in the entire U.S.
Creepy Moths That Cause Respiratory Issues Return to NH
I don't like 'em. I don't like 'em one bit.
10 Safest Cities in New Hampshire for 2024
Discover why New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the US with property crime rates 50% below the national average!
This New England State is Ranked #1 in the US to Raise a Family
A lot of things come into play when making the decision of where to raise your family. With data such as job opportunities, safety, and school systems, a list has been compiled to reveal some interesting results on the best states to raise a family.
Fryeburg, Maine, Man Safe After Plane Wing Fell Apart on Flight
Kevin from Fryeburg, Maine, is home safe and sound after the plane's wing fell apart on a cross-country flight.
25 NH Restaurants That Serve Mouth-Watering Gluten Free Dishes
You can have just about anything gluten-free these days, even meatballs!
Man Shares Wild Story About Family Dog Saving Them From Potential Black Bear Attack In Maine
In a Reddit forum, a man shares an incredible story about the family dog saving them from a potential black bear attack while vacationing in Maine
Is Your Town One of the Top Safest Places to Live in MA?
See if your town is on the list of the top safest communities to live in Massachusetts. Take a look at the top 10.
NH, Maine in Top 10 Best Places to Avoid Natural Disasters
Based on the total natural disasters over the past 70 years, Maine and New Hampshire rank as two of the best states to avoid natural calamity in the nation.
Where Does New Hampshire Rank in This Safest State Study?
New England states seem safer than the rest of the country, but are they? Check out where New Hampshire and other New England states rank when it comes to the safest states in the country.
How to Do Thanksgiving in New England and Avoid COVID-19
Covid-19 is stressful and you want to have a nice are some tips.
5 Best Ways To Keep Your Pets Warm During New Hampshire Cold Snap
From keeping warm to safe, these are all essential to your companion's comfort during New Hampshire's 'second winter.'