Kaila Cumings of Troy, NH, will be going on her second run on "Naked & Afraid" on the Discovery Channel, according to Sentinelsource.com. The "Naked & Afraid XL" episode is scheduled to air on Sunday, May 6.

Girl is SUPER bad, in a good way. Her occupation is a knife maker, for the love of Mike!

Although I admire her, I would NEVER go naked and afraid anywhere, nevermind on television. As a matter of fact, I don't understand why ANYONE would want to go on that show. I think I've watched one episode and here's my take on the whole thing:

Two complete strangers are introduced, completely naked, and put in in the middle of some sort of challenging environment without a single thing. They have to build their shelter, fish and hunt for their own food, which means they have to make their own weapons and build a fire out of nothing.  The episode that I watched had one poor guy trying to get some sleep and some sort of insects were eating him alive!  No amount of money in the world could get me to go on that show.  Not for one night, no way, no how.

Now, if my son's life is depending on me surviving in the wild?  Count me IN.  Any good Mother will tell you that, but for money?  You can keep it, my friend.  I'll just watch the torture from my couch.

According to Sentinelsource.com, Kaila gets to do some hunting during the episode, too.

She even added in the article that Africa was "no joke" and the weather was "crazy." Though, according to sentinelsource.com, Kaila said the easiest part was definitely being naked.

Good luck, Kaila! All of NH will be cheering you on!


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