According to an article from Seacoast Online, the NHSPCA has announced the launch of a campaign to try to raise money to expand the shelter's capacity so they can care for larger animals.  They are hoping to raise 9.2 million dollars so they can purchase land from properties next to the existing buildings and land in Stratham.  They are well on their way, according to the report, the SPCA has already raised $8.6 million and needs $600,000 more to reach its goal.

The campaign is called, "Campaign for Changing Times" and one of the goals is to construct a new indoor horse arena with stalls, a veterinary clinic as well as walking trails for dogs.

The report said they wanted to bring the campaign out now in hopes of reaching a $100,000 matching grant from the Jane’s Trust Foundation, which needs to be met by July 31.

Most of us here live in the country and it's not unusual for people to keep large animals like horses, pigs, cows, goats, etc., so the ability to have a facility like the NHSPCA is fantastic!  Any help you can give or for more information, go to:

Check out this video that will melt your heart:


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