If you've purchased any type of ticket through Ticketmaster, you might want to change your password on your account, as there's been a security breach.

According to an email sent by Ticketmaster, there was "unauthorized activity" that occurred between April 2 and May 18 of this year, as well as on May 23.

The bad guys may have obtained your name, contact information, and bank information.

Ticketmaster's notice of the breach also included a filing with the Maine Attorney General, according to usatoday.com.  

Massachusetts Residents Also Named

Massachusetts residents are also specifically named in the email and informed of their right to obtain a police report regarding the data breach.  The email doesn't mention any specific police station, but I'm assuming it's the Massachusetts State Police.

You can try to call Ticketmaster for more information or to ask more questions at 1-800-653-1840. The line is open Monday through Friday, 8am - 8pm Central Time, excluding holidays.

All of New England Could Be Affected

Even though there was a filing with the Maine AG's office and Massachusetts residents were specifically mentioned, I think all of New England could be affected.

Data breaches happen all the time.  There are a few things that we can do to try to combat the bad guys:

  • Change your passwords to your bank accounts, credit cards, and Ticketmaster account.
  • Freeze your credit accounts with the three major credit companies.  I don't know why our entire financial life depends on these three companies, but it does.  I have my account frozen with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.  You may run into some trouble if you are trying to open a new account if you don't "unfreeze" them, but for me, it's peace of mind.
  • You can also get a copy of your credit report for free by filling out this form.  You have to put in your social security number for this.  If you're paranoid (like me), you might want to pay for your credit report, which you can obtain from the aforementioned three credit agencies.

Ticketmaster is offering an identity monitoring service through Cyberscout, which will monitor your information on the dark web and alert you for one year from the date you enrolled.  Sign up for this service by clicking here.

The email that my husband and I both received (and as stated on their website) said that our Ticketmaster accounts were not affected by the breach.  The bad guys are looking to steal our identity or to gain access to our financial information.  Doubtful that they would want tickets to see Def Leppard at Fenway Park.

Has your identity ever been stolen?

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Gallery Credit: Jesse Stewart

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