One major storm followed by THE MEGASTORM has produced the most drastic one week change in The NH Drought Monitor Map that I've ever seen!

United States Drought Monitor

The light brown areas shown last week were categorized as Moderate Drought.


It's fascinating if you read deeper into the latest report published just minutes ago.

 'With plentiful moisture available to the weekend storm system, widespread, copious rains (2-6 inches, locally to 12 inches) inundated most of the Northeast, especially New England, abruptly ameliorating short-term deficits accumulated during the late summer and fall months.'  - United States Drought Monitor

If you're a drought nerd like myself, you know that this service doesn't usually throw around terms like  'ABRUPTLY' or 'INUNDATED' too often.

Remarkably, The Shark (105.3) terrestrial broadcast counties of Strafford and Rockingham are STILL considered DRY!

With more rain last night, I have to think that the map will be free and clear of any dryness next Thursday.

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