Will NH Beach Goers Need A Reservation?
According to this WMUR-TV report, crowd size will be regulated through the use of online parking passes.
The parking lots will also be restricted to half of their current size.
The days of making three of four trips to unload the car of all the chairs and coolers are long gone. They're going to be forbidden according to the most recent report of restrictions for the 2020 season.
I can't imagine that the average family will want to stay much longer than an hour since you're not allowed to sit down. That's just using my own personal rule of thumb, usually after I stand around or walk for an hour, my back is killing me.
I'm glad that our state is doing it's very best to limit the community spread of COVID-19, but I feel bad for any NH beach enthusiast. Between the reservations, the regulations and aggravation, it seems like the 2020 season will be one to forget.