Some runners ran an additional half mile due to a detour in the Maine Coast Marathon.

Detour Road Sign
Monkey Business Images Ltd

Runners could be penalized in qualifying for the next Boston Marathon because of a detour they didn't count on the Maine Coast Marathon.

Runners were mistakenly directed down a dead-end street by a course marshal. They lost some qualifying time which could hurt runners who want to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

According to;

Race director Charles Melton said the Boston Athletic Association typically does not make time adjustments for course errors.

“Since it was not a marked spot for them to turn, we don't know where each person turned around, so I don’t think the BAA would accept anything we sent to them,” Melton said.

“Since it was not a marked spot for them to turn, we don't know where each person turned around, so I don’t think the BAA would accept anything we sent to them,” Melton said.

The whole episode reminds me of this scene from Animal House.

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