You May Be Too Late For Dinner Reservations For Valentine’s Day in NH
If you want that reservation at your favorite restaurant for Valentine's Day, you may already be too late to get that perfect table at Ristorante Massimo in Portsmouth.
According to Open Table, you should have made reservations BEFORE YESTERDAY for that coveted special table. February 4th is the last safest day that you'll probably be able to book the place you are looking for. Besides, Valentine's Day is on a Friday night, so EVERY place will be packed.
There are alternatives if you don't get in to your favorite place. Try a place that doesn't take reservations like one of my favorites, Gordo's in Raymond. It's a small place, so there's intimacy built right in. Also, the price is very reasonable.
Another suggestion, you could go just give your special someone what they really want for Valentine's Day. According to YouGov, women want chocolate the most, followed by a card and flowers. Men want sex, followed by a card, then chocolate.