5 Things They Never Told Me About Pregnancy
Today is June 30, 2020, the day my son Colin turns 28. I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday, he was a newborn baby and I was bringing him home from the hospital! (We brought him back home on July 4th - talk about scared, but he slept through all the fireworks.)
There are a few things that I wasn't prepared for when I had Colin. I think things have changed now, but when I was having him, I really wished someone had told me. For instance, I kept waiting for the "morning sickness" to stop. It was 1pm and I was still hurling. Or the whole.... 9 months thing. No. The baby will come when it feels like it and that's that. AROUND 9 months is more accurate - could be 10.
The thing I didn't realize before Colin was how much your heart just absolutely explodes with love. I remember after I saw his face for the first time, I kept thanking God and Jesus! (I'm not an evangelist by any means, but I was that day....) I remember looking at his face for the first time thinking, "Wow, he's here. He's really here." I remember saying to him, "Hi, Colin. I'm your Mama." Jeeeezus.... I was done for. Everyone I ever loved before him paled in comparison to him.
So enjoy the few things that I remember about 28 years ago today. Maybe you had a similar experience with some of them or all or none. The bottom line is, and I hope you don't take offense to this or let it bum you out, but I've always felt a little bad for people who don't have kids. It is the most incredible experience of being human.
Happy Birthday, Colin. Love, Mom
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