'Sorry about your car. Here's $50' Not exactly what you want to read on the note attached to your crumpled bumper. For Megan Linehan in Raymond, NH this hit and run saga was only the beginning.

When I had originally watched this WMUR-TV report a couple days ago I thought this would be the final chapter of a hilarious (if it's not your car that was hit) crime that would NEVER be solved.


The alleged perpetrator has confessed!

According to the hit and run victim, the woman responsible for the car accident has spoken face to face with her AND left a written statement at the Raymond Police Department.

However, the alleged driver in this minor accident has not yet talked to The RPD in person.

Since her name is known by the authorities, I have to think that this case MAY be closed. If there are any more updates to this strange story I will let you know as soon as anything develops!

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