That beautiful Christmas tree that so wonderfully decorates your home can also burn it with the ease of Santa guzzling the milk you leave him.

The Worcester Polytechnic Institute had made this video which shows just how swiftly a Christmas tree can catch fire and spread.

A tree is set up in a mock living room and it's set ablaze. In 15 seconds, the room is filled with smoke and the flames have taken over the tree and in one minute the room is reducer to a smoldering inferno.

“These fires can be rapid and intense,” said Tahar El Korchi, who is the interim head of the Fire Protection Engineering department. "The fuel content of trees that have dried out can be much more easily vaporized, promoting a quick rate of combustion. A small ignition source can result in a fireball of intense energy release in a very short time period, threatening the life safety of all inhabitants of the structure."

The National Fire Protection Association reports there were an average of 210 fires in connection to Christmas trees between 2009 and 2013, so the threat is always present.

So, while you're busy this holiday season buying gifts and shuttling from one party to another, remmeber to maintain your tree.

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