Hilarious comedian Steve Byrne just called to promote his Showtime special 'Tell The Damn Joke,' which premieres tonight at 9 p.m. I was stunned to hear what the Pittsburgh native had to say about Tom Brady.

Courtesy Twitter @stevebyrnelive
Courtesy Twitter @stevebyrnelive

At the 1:30 mark below, after I mention that every single time I talk to Steve it is awkward because a Boston sports team has recently DESTROYED a team from Pittsburgh, he gives an opinion about TB12 that I was not expecting at all.

Listen to the full interview to hear Steve talk about his special, "the best work he's done thus far," and the Patriots. And Don't miss Steve tonight at 9 p.m. as he will 'Tell The Damn Joke' for an entire hour!

Warning: This promo below is NOT Safe For Work but very funny.

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