Does Using A Pillow Case for NH Trick Or Treating Work Better?
Since the Town of Gonic, NH had their Trick Or Treating last night, I will attempt to utilize the data from my nephews' pillow case experiment and see if they did get more candy than last year.
Since this wasn't a truly scientific study, the theory remains unproven. Just as it was in 1983 when I last tried it. Some things never change!
Here's some other Instagram highlights that I'm posting so my Nana can see them!
Can't you tell that this is BEFORE the trick or treating began? The tension at the starting gate is more than palpable.
My Sister in Law Marsha does such a great job in not only developing great family theme ideas that my Nephews have fun with, but manages to make my Brother's costumes (the 6'5" Lion) low maintenance without lessening the quality of his appearance.
(Not an easy tightrope to walk)
The dancing Wizard above is Caleb.
This is Colin above in the Evil Scarecrow mask.
Here's Connor above in the same Evil Scarcrow mask. His subtle nod at the end of this greeting is quite hilarious.
Happy Halloween to all!